Akbar, S., Greenacre, L., Defina, R., and Garay, L. (2022). Diverse research teams: A framework for research review. International Journal of Market Research, 65(2).
Greenacre, L., Chan, E.Y., and Cohen, J. (2022). Nutrition labeling, numerosity effects, and vigilance among diet-sensitive individuals. Psychology and Marketing, 40(3), 455-468.
Anesbury, Z., Davies, C., Driesner, C., Page, B., Greenacre, L., Yong, S., and Bruwer Y. (2022). Death by 1000 ‘true fans’: Do marketing laws apply to music listening?. Journal of Consumer Behavior, 22(1), 82-97.
Greenacre, L., Garcia, J.E., Chan, E., Howard, S.R., and Dyer, A.G. (2022). Vertical versus horizontal Spatial-Numerical Associations (SNA): A processing advantage for the vertical dimension. PLOS One.
Hirche, M., Farris, P.W., Greenacre, L., Quan, Y., and Wei, S. (2021). Predicting Under- and Overperforming SKUs within the Distribution–Market Share Relationship. Journal of Retailing, 97(4), 697-714.
Hirche, M., Greenacre, L., Nenycz-Thiel, M., Loose, S., and Lockshin, L. (2021). SKU performance and distribution: A large-scale analysis of the role of product characteristics with store scanner data. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 61 (July).
Brimblecombe, J., McMahon, E., Ferguson, M., De Silva, K., Peeters, A., Miles, E., ... & Chappell, E. (2020). Effect of restricted retail merchandising of discretionary food and beverages on population diet: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Planetary Health, 4(10), e463-e473.
Greenacre, L., Akbar, S., Brimblecombe, J., & McMahon, E. (2020). Income Management of Government Payments on Welfare: The Australian Cashless Debit Card. Australian Social Work, 1-14.
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Hartnett, N., Greenacre, L., Kennedy, R., and Sharp, B. (2020) 'Extending validity testing of the Persuasion Principles Index.' European Journal of Marketing 54 (9), 2245-2255.
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Brimblecombe, J., McMahon, E., De Silva, K., Ferguson, M., Miles, E., Wycherley, T., Peeters, A., Minaker, L., Greenacre, L., and Mah, C. (2020). Transforming food retail for better health: The Healthy Stores 2020 trial. European Journal of Public Health, 30(5), ckaa165.072.
Greenacre, L., Akbar, S., Brimblecombe, J., and McMahon, E. (2020) 'Submission55' Submission to the Inquiry into food pricing and food security in remote Indigenous communities.
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Greenacre, L., and Akbar, S. (2019) 'The impact of payment method on shopping behaviour among low income consumers.' Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 47, 87-93.
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Brimblecombe, J., Ferguson, M., McMahon, E., Peeters, A., Miles, E., Wycherley, T., Minaker, L.M., De Silva, K., Greenacre, L., et al. (2019) 'Reducing retail merchandising of discretionary food and beverages in remote indigenous community stores: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial.' Journal of Medical Internet Research 21 (3), Open Access.
Anesbury, Z., Greenacre, L., Wilson, A & Huang, A. (2017) 'Patterns of fruit and vegetable buying behaviour in the United States and India', International Journal of Market Research, 60 (1) 14-31.
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Huang, A., Dawes, J., Lockshin, L & Greenacre, L. (2017) 'Consumer response to price changes in higher-priced brands', Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 39, 1-10.
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Greenacre, L., Jaeger, V., Martin, J., Patrick, S., Nguyen, Y. & Fryer, W. (2017) 'Self-reference bias in students' and managers' selection of target market segments', International Journal of Management Education, 15(1), 39-48.
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Greenacre, L. Martin, J., Patrick, S. & Jaeger, S. (2016) ‘Boundaries of the centrality effect during product choice’, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 32, 32–38.
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Hartnett, N., Kennedy, R., Sharp, B. & Greenacre, L. (2016) 'Marketers' Intuitions about the Sales Effectiveness of Advertisements', Journal of Marketing Behavior, 2(2–3), 177-194.
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Lee, R., Greenacre, L. & Lockshin, L. (2016) ‘A Memory Theory Perspective of Country Image Formation’, Journal of International Marketing, 24(2), 62-79.
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Greenacre, L. (2016) ‘Mean and variability effects in decision framing´, Contemporary Management Research, 12(3), 309-336.
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Hartnett, N., Kennedy, R, Sharp, B. & Greenacre, L. (2016) ‘Creative That Sells: How Advertising Execution Affects Sales’, Journal of Advertising, 45(1), 102-112.
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Wilson, A., Greenacre, L., Pignata, S. & Winefield, T. (2016) ‘Challenging the Notion of the Transition Year’, International Journal of Education Research, 79, 21-30.
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Greenacre, L., Patrick, S., Yang, R., Jaeger, V. & Martin, J. (2016) ‘Correcting misperceptions about stigmatized ingredients: MSG’, Food Quality and Preference, 48(A), 93–98.
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Tanusondjaja, A., Greenacre, L., Banelis, M., Oanh, T. & Andrews, T. (2015) ‘International Brands in Emerging Markets’, International Marketing Review, 32(6), 783-796.
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Khushaba, R., Greenacre, L., Al-Timemy, A. & Al-Jumaily, A. (2015) 'Event-Related Potentials of Consumer Preferences', Procedia Computer Science, 76, 68-73.
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Greenacre, L., Freeman, L., Filby, J. & Ostrovsky, T. (2015) ‘My-Music My-Self’, Qualitative Market Research, 18(1), 145-160.
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Greenacre, L., Tanusondjaja, A., Dunn, S. & Page, B. (2015) ‘Using Choice Experiments to find Double Jeopardy Patterns’, International Journal of Market Research, September, 57(5), 743–758.
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Greenacre, L. Dunn, S. & Mocanu, A. (2015) ‘Heterogeneity in the Consistency of Best-Worst Scale Responses’, Australasian Marketing Journal, 23(3), 227-234.
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Cheung, P., Greenacre, L. & Freeman, L. (2014) ‘Referral Types and Peer Activation: Who to ask?’, Journal of Marketing Management, 30 (3/4), 295-311.
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Greenacre, L., Freeman, L., Cong, K. & Chapman, T. (2014) ‘Understanding and Predicting Student WOM’, International Journal of Educational Research, 64, 40-48.
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Greenacre, L., Tung, N.M. & Chapman T. (2014) ‘Self Confidence and the Ability to Influence’, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 18(2), 169-180.
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Nedbalova, E., Greenacre, L. & Schulz J.B. (2014) ‘UK Higher Education Viewed through the Marketisation and Marketing Lenses’, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 24(2), 178-195.
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Greenacre, L., Freeman, L. & Donald, M. (2013) ‘Contrasting Social Network Theory and Tribal Theory’, Journal of Business Research, 66, 948-954
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Greenacre, L., Burke, P., Denize, S. & Pearce, R. (2012) ‘The Choice of Content for Word of Mouth Communication’, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 16, 19-34.
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Khushaba, R. N., Greenacre, L., Kodagoda, S., Burke, S., Louviere, J. & Dissanayake, G. (2012) ‘Choice Modelling and the Brain: A Study on the Electroencephalogram (EEG) of Preferences’, Expert Systems with Applications, 39 (16), 12378–12388.
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Freeman, L. & Greenacre, L. (2011) ‘An examination of socially destructive behaviors in group work’, Journal of Marketing Education, 33 (1), 5-17.
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Filep, S. & Greenacre, L. (2007) ‘Evaluating and Extending the Travel Career Patterns Model’, Tourism, 55 (1), 23-38.